A typical Bachelor programme lasts 3 years and is of 180 ECTS credits but in some fields of study there are programmes lasting for 3 and half years (180+30 ECTS) or for 4 years (240 ECTS). These programmes are included in the official list of degree programmes defined in a governmental decree.


Doctoral degrees are awarded for studies totalling 240 ECTS credits - four year at the advanced level or for equivalent foreign qualifications.

I vissa skolsystem och länder använder man lärarinsatsen som måttstock på studiernas omfattning, till exempel antal veckotimmar, det vill säga undervisningartimmar per vecka. 1 crédit = 25 à 30 heures de travail. Prenons un exemple : si vous êtes à l’université et que vous réussissez vos partiels, vous obtiendrez vos crédits ECTS (30 crédits ECTS par semestre validé). Pour valider 60 crédits ECTS, vous devez donc valider une année d’études supérieures.

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School. • High School Diploma or equiva (the Dutch equivalent being the Doctorandus – Drs.) and the Doctoral degree. higher education (HBO) take four years to complete and consist of 240 ECTS. Equivalent to 48 credit points at RMIT. 12 credit points at RMIT (=1 course). U.S.A .

30 ECTs (European Credit Transfers). The BQF is an equivalent to some national qualification frameworks.

2. fullgjort kursfordringar om minst 240 högskolepoäng, varav minst 60 Sweden University), should have at least a PhD degree (or equivalent) in a relevant social A1) Advances in tourism related resources, 7,5 ECTS.

The bachelor’s degree programme includes a 15-ECTS thesis. This can either be a research-based project or a so-called functional thesis project. The thesis project aims to broaden and deepen your professional expertise and knowledge, and provide you with the expertise needed to operate in development tasks in your field. Se hela listan på fr.wikipedia.org 2020-06-15 · Under the European credit standard, one ECTS credit is equivalent to two hours a week, or roughly 25 to 30 hours of combined classroom and non-classroom learning per semester.

240 ects equivalent

(the Dutch equivalent being the Doctorandus – Drs.) and the Doctoral degree. higher education (HBO) take four years to complete and consist of 240 ECTS.

Students from universities with an American credits system should verify their school's credit-granting process.

240 ects equivalent

The European Higher Education Area did not introduce the Bachelor with Honours programme, which allows graduates with a "BA hons." degree. 2nd cycle: typically 90–120 ECTS credits (a minimum of 60 on 2nd-cycle level). Usually awarding a master's degree.
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ments” refers to the courses, or equivalent, that must have been passed for the A voluntary summer course of 15 ECTS is open for the student after the 2nd VBRA15 Brandmannautbildning, 4.5 hp, VBR240 Brandmanna-. The applicant must hold the minimum of a Bachelor's degree (i.e the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits at an accredited university) with at least 90 ECTS credits in  180/240 ECTSType of paper: Bachelor's thesis in clinical nutrition, 15 higher diet may have an equivalent effect as a conventional diabetic diet for BMI and  Extent of pedagogical studies ECTS credits Denmark 33 … .

a professional bachelor's degree comprise at least 160 national credit points (240 ECTS) of which: The degree of master or equivalent is required for admission to doctor Aleksandras Stulginskis University is using ECTS credit system.
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The ECTS grading scale is a grading system defined in the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) framework by the European Commission.Since many grading systems co-exist in Europe and, considering that interpretation of grades varies considerably from one country to another, if not from one institution to another, the ECTS grading scale has been developed to provide a common

We therefore advise to transfer credits along a 2:1 ratio. Students from universities with an American credits system should verify their school's credit-granting process. Transfer of credits is at the discretion of the home institution. The ECTS credits calculator calculates the equivalent ECTS credits from the number of hours spent on self-study and the number of lecture hours.